Selected Letters to the Editor

Time  05/02/2011

No wonder we can’t overcome the serious difficulties that plague our country. While Americans believe in imaginary, unproven concepts like heaven, hell, God, and angels, they are ill equipped to develop the critical, independent thinking necessary to confront the challenging dilemmas we face. Heaven help us — or better yet, let’s use our reality-based imagination to help us solve real-world problems.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Time  02/15/2010

Re “Mass Mutiny” [Feb. 1]: Scott Brown’s victory has pointed the way for Democrats to regain their lost momentum. After their shellacking in 2008, Republicans, rather than retreat from their principles, focused on solidifying their base. Democrats, disappointed by the tepid leadership and centrist policies of their party, were content to call it in and suffered a humiliating defeat. The clear lesson for the Democrats: work for the real change and progressive policies that will energize the base–or risk an election debacle in November.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Newsweek  10/25/2008

In essence, Fareed Zakaria is saying it’s time for America to grow up. We’re learning the hard way that financial indicators don’t always go up, debts eventually have be paid, taxes can’t be indefinitely avoided, wealth doesn’t always trickle down, and government isn’t always the problem but in some instances can provide the best solution. It’s time to elect leaders who are honest about shared sacrifices that need to be made, and for everyone to work cooperatively, locally and worldwide, to ensure a better life for the most people.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA


Time 10/16/2006

Every country knows it would be bombed back to the Stone Age if it attacked the U.S. We’re supposed to be frightened out of our wits about the threat from Iran, which is still several years away from producing a nuclear weapon? In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the state was in a perpetual war with a constantly changing enemy. Does that sound familiar?

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Newsweek 09/19/2005

How sad that in the 21st century the vast majority of Americans haven’t evolved beyond believing in magical and unproved ideas, like God and heaven and hell. Without critical and independent thinking, we make it easy for politicians to manipulate us into war, advertisers to persuade us to go broke buying unnecessary things and religious leaders to convince us that they have any more understanding of the truths of the universe than we do.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Newsweek  09/01/2003

George Will may turn up his nose at the idea of public funding of presidential campaigns (“The Public? Let’s Recall It,” the last word, Aug. 18), but our nation would benefit greatly if such a plan were fully promoted and funded. Given a choice between a candidate beholden to special interests or one beholden to the people, the latter would be far preferable.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Newsweek  08/26/2002

Is War on the Horizon?

I always thought imperialist nations like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were the kind to wage war on other countries without provocation. Now we have the Bush administration champing at the bit to invade Iraq for what it thinks Saddam Hussein might do in the future (“Rumors of War,” Aug. 12). Democrats, afraid to appear soft in an election year, mostly cower in the corner. No wonder the rest of the world is worried.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

Time  02/19/1996

Steve Forbes, The Perfect G.O.P. Candidate:: a rich white male with a tax plan that benefits rich white males.

Arlen Grossman
Monterey, CA

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