The BPR Suggestion Box

The Big Picture Report has been online for one year and it’s been a totally worthwhile and enjoyable experience for me. I’m not a techie and still feel like a bit of a novice when it comes to blogging (though I’m much farther along than I used to be).

I would very much appreciate any suggestions from the readers of this blog about how it can be improved or attract more readers. Would you like to see more of something?  Less of something?  Whatever you think, I would appreciate the feedback (and don’t spare my feelings!). If you don’t want to publicly comment, my email is


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4 Responses to The BPR Suggestion Box

  1. Happy 1st Arlen. Try to slip in plugs now and then for two-fisted democracypower.

  2. Thanks, “List.” There definitely is a learning curve in this blogging business, and for some of us it can be steep. But they say practice makes perfect. I’m practicing but the perfection part may take a while. 🙂

  3. List of X says:

    Happy birthday! I don’t really know what to recommend… The theme, design, readability have never been a problem for me: for example, some bloggers use highly unreadable theme (like grey font on black background), others make it difficult to click to prior post, and others overload the page with too many widgets. None of which is the case here.
    But you are way ahead of me – it took me a year just to discover that other people could sign up to my blog, and about as long to find out that other people have blogs at WordPress too.

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